Analysis of the processes through the simulation of Business Process Models

Moretti, Maicol, 2021

Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Thönssen, Barbara
Views: 27
The word "reconstruction" in the areas affected by the earthquake is synonymous with life and rebirth. Reconstruction is also synonymous with bureaucracy, which in Italy is a very long, complex, and sometimes unclear process. For this reason, it is very important to nd a way to simplify such processes paying attention to the laws that must be followed. A common way for understanding, analyzing and optimize business processes is the use of Business Process Management features, for instance the BPMN (Business Process Management Notation) language is a standard notation well understood by companies as well as by public administrations. It provides graphic or symbols for an optimal understanding of the whole process. The main objective of this thesis is to exploit the potential of the BPMN in order to simulate the post-earthquake reconstruction process present in the literature were reviewed, which made it possible to better understand the problem. To achieve our goal we use a technique called WHAT-IF simulation that returns metrics that will be useful for evaluating the entire reconstruction process. This technique simplifies the re-engineering part of the process, but at the same time, it has some limitations. During the preliminary study of the simulators that exist today, it emerged that it is not possible to simulate collaboration of BPMN. Hence the need to extend an existing simulator in order to allow the simulation of collaborations.
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Master Thesis
Autorinnen und Autoren
Moretti, Maicol
Betreuende Dozierende
Thönssen, Barbara
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Systems (Master)
Standort Studiengang