An Intelligent Career Path Finder for young Graduates and Students
Raphael, Jan Lindegger, 2021
Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Laurenzi, Emanuele
Views: 25 - Downloads: 8

Career-related decisions are important and complex decisions, especially for young professionals and students. These decisions concern the choice of apprenticeships or the choice of university courses. Often, young professionals lack knowledge of different options and lack knowledge of making career-related decisions. Therefore, these suboptimal circumstances can lead to a less optimal and more stressful decision. As the number of occupational paths, university courses and job types is further increasing, career paths are becoming less predictable and demand a high level of flexibility of young professionals. However, not only young professionals are struggling with the increasing complexity of the labour market. Also, career counsellors, who should guide and advise individuals in career-related questions, are facing difficulties in keeping the overview and optimally advising their clients. However, new technological developments, such as artificial intelligence and knowledge-based recommendation systems, can both improve the career decisions of young professionals and, at the same time, support career counsellors in their daily work. Computer-assisted career decision can lead to better results in decision-making, and these systems need to be constantly updated to market changes and the current market need. Since external factors in the labour market are changing and leading to greater flexibility, the requirements of young professionals are changing. This must be taken into account in career counselling systems....
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich