Computer Games for an Aging Society - A Market Analysis

The Institute of 4D Technologies of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland has developed various computer games for people who live in elderly homes and their relatives. The aim of the games is to enhance the communication among the two parties. The authors were assigned to conduct a market analysis as well as design a survey, in order to elaborate the demands of potential customers.

Höchle, Carolyn & Huskic, Andrea, 2017

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Institute of 4D Technologies, HT FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Jehle, Patricia
Views: 21 - Downloads: 5
The games aim primarily to enhance communication between the residents and their family members. Pictures and sounds that should help the elderly people to remember their past, are uploaded in a family archive. The data will then automatically be implemented in the games. Therefore, the games can be personalized. Initially, the games were meant for people with Dementia, which is why it is called “Myosotis” (lat. forget-me-not). In the meantime, it is decided that the games can be used as an entertainment tool for elderly people in general. The purpose of the games is to encourage communication between the residents and mainly their family members. Tests of the games have been successful and for this reason Myosotis is going to be commercialized in 2018. Within the scope of this Bachelor Thesis a market analysis such as a strategy recommendation are delivered. In addition, a survey design was elaborated for further polls.
The initial idea of the thesis was to create a business plan for Myosotis, which after the kick- off meeting changed into a marketing plan. The authors decided to work with the acquired knowledge out of the Major Marketing class, whereby the Marketing Roadmap served as the foundation while elaborating the marketing strategy. It quickly became clear that the company was not in the required state for the authors to be able to create a marketing positioning. Important information required for the marketing mix (4Ps) were missing. Both parties (the client and the authors) concluded to conduct a survey in order to ascertain customer preferences. As it was wished from the client, the survey was mainly focused on the pricing and product form aspects.
The authors concluded the thesis with recommendations for the further marketing procedure of Myosotis games with a special focus on pricing and product-form recommendations. In addition, the client will receive a survey design suggestion in order to elaborate potential customers needs for the product and services.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Market Analysis, Start-Up, Computer games,
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Institute of 4D Technologies, HT FHNW, Brugg-Windisch
Autorinnen und Autoren
Höchle, Carolyn & Huskic, Andrea
Betreuende Dozierende
Jehle, Patricia
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Market Analysis, Start-Up, Computer games,