PRO - Market Entry Strategy for Swiss SMEs

The company, Werft22 AG, aims to introduce their product, PRO, to the market of Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The product provides all the necessary support for companies to store and manage their video material on one single platform. By means of this Live Project, the Project Group has been entrusted to undertake the first steps of a Market Entry Strategy for PRO.

Anderegg, Gina & Kriech, Michael & Moser, Delia & Siegrist, Alice & Studer, Chantal, 2016

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Werft22 AG -
Betreuende Dozierende Abplanalp, Peter
Keywords Market Entry Strategy, product launch, new market
Views: 38 - Downloads: 2
After Werft22 AG has successfully entered the market for educational institutions with EDU, the company targets to launch PRO to the market of Swiss SMEs. Beforehand, PRO has to be modified and developed in order to exactly meet the expectations of its potential business customers. The expansion into new markets is of high importance for a company like the Werft22 AG to ensure growth and futher development. Therefore, with the underlying project task the group has the unique opportunity to contribute a relevant support in a real life situation and provide the client with useful data, which is based on research within the market.
The project contains the following process; (i) interviewing potential customers through semi-structured interviews, (ii) identifying whether a market-demand for the underlying product exists and analysing customer needs from the results of such interviews, (iii) researching systems being offered by competitors or comparable products which currently exists on the market (iv) evaluating the company, Werft22 AG, by means of a SWOT Analysis, and finally (v) identifying, by means of the "Three Generic Strategies" Model whether a product like PRO can give superior value or/and competitve advantage over systems currently offered by competitors or comparable products which exist in the market.
Through the conducted interviews, the project group was able to conclude that the use of video material is an upcoming trend among Swiss businesses. However, even if the demand for video portal services currently is still small it can be expected that the interst for such platforms is going to be growing within the next years. The interviews as well as the competitor and company analyses made clear that the "Cockpit Function", which provides customers with an overview of the uploaded video material, is the feature that most significantly differentiates PRO from its competitors. At the same time it is seen by the interviewees as a feature that provides a superior value. More identified features that proivde competitve advantage are mentioned within the complete documentation. Morever, in order for the client to define a product that meets customer demand, the Project Group has suggested, basic product features and product extensions. Furthermore, general recommendations based on marketing theories were provided to the client. With information concerning market-demand, competitve advantage/superior value, and customer needs, the client has the necessary data to position its product within the market and to develop and formulate marketing strategies in a next step.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Werft22 AG -, Baden
Autorinnen und Autoren
Anderegg, Gina & Kriech, Michael & Moser, Delia & Siegrist, Alice & Studer, Chantal
Betreuende Dozierende
Abplanalp, Peter
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Market Entry Strategy, product launch, new market