Implementation of Cognitive Computing and Creating Awareness for Higher Education and Research Purposes

Cognitive computing (CC) addresses complex situations that are characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty; in other words it handles human kinds of problems and respond to the fluid nature of users' understanding of their problems.

Nguyen, Tran Tuan Chau, 2015

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Institute for Information Systems, HSW FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Dornberger, Rolf
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With the purpose of providing a clearer view over the main topic, after discussion with the client and the supervisor of the bachelor thesis, the original topic can now be renamed as “Implementation of cognitive computing and creating awareness for higher education and research purposes" to present a more comprehensive viewpoint for readers.
It is understandable that primary data is essential and provide more valuable insight into the matter. However, by the nature of the topic, cognitive computing is a relatively new term from the computer science field of studies, researches have been done but in order to replicate and execute them in an innovative way is to some extent unattainable with insufficient resources. Instead, secondary data will be the main source of information for the findings of this bachelor thesis which including literature review from the Internet, books, academic journals/sources.
The final expected outcome is to increasing awareness of the importance and the impact of cognitive computing in the future by finding out detailed information about the term and realize the actual application or a link of cognitive computing in different industries. To achieve this expected outcome, showcases in medical industries are used to demonstrate the term and bring it closer to daily usability and ultimately increase the knowledge of the term to the public. The benefits for the FHNW - School of Business are briefly discussed to provide the importance of cognitive computing studies in education environment. Moreover, a conceptional future of cognitive computing is theoretically described to show the potentials of cognitive computing in the near future. In the end, conclusions are drawn, and the author's recommendations are presented in the mild manner for different participants in the future of cognitive computing.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Institute for Information Systems, HSW FHNW, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Nguyen, Tran Tuan Chau
Betreuende Dozierende
Dornberger, Rolf
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Cognitive Computing, Artificial Intelligence