Analysis of SWITCH Business Model - Recommandations on How to Further Design and Develop the Portfolio for Small University-Related Organsations

If a company wants to expand its customer base, the existing business model must be checked for suitability and possibly needs to be adjusted. How should the service and client portfolio be developed and reorganised in order to increase the satisfaction of existing customers and attract new ones?

Hunziker, Kim & Binkert, Andreas & Haldi, Silvan & Baumgartner, Marco & Haller, Alain, 2014

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende SWITCH
Betreuende Dozierende Göldi, Susan
Keywords Business Model, Business Cases, Customer Analysis, Customer Satisfaction
Views: 32 - Downloads: 2
SWITCH is a foundation operating in the Swiss ICT industry. Its core business consists of providing internet services to universities and research institutions in the university environment. In the past, several university-related, particularly small institutions have approached SWITCH regarding its services. Because of their affinity to the educational sector, these institutions would be interesting and desired customers. SWITCH needs to know more about the needs of these organisations, in order to adapt its current business model and to address these clients cost-effectively in the future.
The project was divided into three parts. Firstly, a situation analysis was carried out. This consisted of a brief examination of the trends in the Swiss ICT industry and an analysis of SWITCH’s current business model. Secondly, qualitative interviews with existing as well as potential clients were conducted. Finally, based on the findings and evaluation of the previous parts, three business cases were presented. These business cases provide solutions for an adapted business model and serve as a decisional basis for the further strategy development.
Out of the analysis, three possible business cases were developed, which are taking into account the identified needs of customers. At the same time they are aiming to eradicate weaknesses and threats and build on strengths and opportunities. The business cases represent recommendations and possible solution for the design and development of SWITCH’s services and client portfolio. The first business case is called the “Reduced Service Portfolio” and builds upon the current business model. This model represents the easiest approach to implement and focuses on the customers’ basic needs. The second business model, “Flat Rate with Add-Ons”, is a moderate solution in terms of the scope of the services portfolio and addition of new services. It applies a flat rate for a basic range of services and offers a selection of add-ons for a more customised service portfolio. The last business model consists of a “Modularised Product Architecture”, where clients choose among modules of service packages they want to receive. This model represents the most extensive approach, but aims to cover all different kinds of ICT needs and enables SWITCH to offer a one-stop-shop provider solution.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
SWITCH, Zürich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Hunziker, Kim & Binkert, Andreas & Haldi, Silvan & Baumgartner, Marco & Haller, Alain
Betreuende Dozierende
Göldi, Susan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Business Model, Business Cases, Customer Analysis, Customer Satisfaction