Marketing Concept Design SM Elektronik AG Dornach

SM Elektronik AG, a Swiss company, is strenghtening its digital presence and expanding its customer portfolio through a novel Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) pre-test service, aiming to meet market demand and strengthen its industry position by reforming its marketing strategies.

Eljesa Ajdini & Nadine Rentsch & Mikiele Wintana Tesfay & Yassin Détraz & Lantwin Vezhaparambil, 2024

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende SM Elektronik AG
Betreuende Dozierende Schibli, Olga
Views: 8
With a long history of technological innovation, SM Elektronik AG faces the challenge of using outdated marketing methods and a low digital presence. With the aid of existing clients, the firm aims to broaden and attract new target demographics by utilizing its expertise in EMC testing. The objective of the project is to implement a cost-effective EMC pre-test service that offers early-stage testing to meet market demand, distinguish itself from its competitive landscape, and offer final test services.
The project followed a defined methodology, starting with a thorough literature review to identify market trends and digital marketing strategies. Qualitative interviews with stakeholders and clients provided information on customer demands. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the company’s website also identified potential for improvement. The Value Proposition Canvas was used to customize services to customers’ pain points, and a SWOT analysis offered recommendations for improving market impact and brand positioning.
The findings showed that SM Elektronik AG’s website must be modernized, adapted to its modern capabilities as well as improved for user experience. A tailored landing page for the EMC pre-test service is suggested to illustrate benefits and attract a new clientele. Creating customer-focused content and using platforms like LinkedIn will increase exposure and engagement. Having client testimonials and case studies will also build trust and credibility. These methods will help SM Elektronik AG push its market position, increase client acquisition, and establish itself as a leader in the EMC testing sector. By improving its digital presence and marketing tactics, the firm may position itself for sustained growth and competitiveness in the evolving electronics industry.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Pre-compliance Testing, Digital Presence, Marketing Stratigies, Market Positioning, Website Optimization, Competitor Analysis, Customer Acquisition, Switzerland
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
SM Elektronik AG , Dornach, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Eljesa Ajdini & Nadine Rentsch & Mikiele Wintana Tesfay & Yassin Détraz & Lantwin Vezhaparambil
Betreuende Dozierende
Schibli, Olga
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Pre-compliance Testing, Digital Presence, Marketing Stratigies, Market Positioning, Website Optimization, Competitor Analysis, Customer Acquisition, Switzerland