Digital Payment Facilitation

This research explores payment facilitation within marketplace platforms, particularly focusing on the European Union's regulatory framework. Marketplace platforms like Airbnb or Uber connect producer and consumer segments, playing a crucial role in the digital economy by enabling global market access for small businesses. An essential challenge they face is facilitating payments, which is governed by regulations.

Gubin, Sergi, 2024

Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Asprion, Petra
Views: 7 - Downloads: 2
The primary objective was to address the decision support gap for marketplace platforms regarding in-house payment facilitation and selecting the appropriate licence for this purpose. The research examined the criteria and requirements for in-house payment facilitation and analysed the regulatory landscape and financial licences within the European Union. The research detailed the criteria and requirements essential for marketplace platforms, including regulatory compliance, operational capabilities, and strategic considerations. Based on these insights, an Excel-based decision framework artefact was developed and introduced to assist marketplace platforms in navigating payment facilitation decisions.
The evaluation process, involving semi-structured interviews with industry experts, confirmed the artefact's relevance and utility. The findings highlighted the need for continuous updates to keep pace with evolving regulations and industry developments. This research contributes to digital finance by providing a practical tool that enhances the operational efficiency and strategic capabilities of marketplace platforms in the European Union.
This research offers a structured framework to guide marketplace platforms through the complexities of payment facilitation, balancing innovation and regulatory compliance. The outcome is a useful decision-making tool that supports marketplace platforms in making informed licensing decisions, enhancing their competitive advantage in the digital payment landscape.
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Master Thesis
Autorinnen und Autoren
Gubin, Sergi
Betreuende Dozierende
Asprion, Petra
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Systems (Master)
Standort Studiengang