A guide to valuing data – Integrating non-financial and financial data valuation approaches

Data-driven business models are disrupting industries by positioning data as a critical value contributor. This shift is not only affecting tech-driven companies but also traditional businesses with long-established models, where data is increasingly recognized as an important value contributor.

Akçay, Melinda & Schaer, Sidney, 2024

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende FHNW- Institut für Finanzmanagement
Betreuende Dozierende Hüttche, Tobias
Views: 39 - Downloads: 14
This thesis aims at further developing the process of data valuation by integrating both non-financial and financial approaches. For this purpose, a framework was developed to simplify and guide the data valuation process, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered. It emphasizes the importance of the specific event and purpose driving the data valuation, and it accounts for both non-financial and financial aspects that influence the data’s overall value.
The primary practical and scientific contribution of this thesis is the development of a comprehensive framework that integrates non-financial and financial valuation considerations. To demonstrate the framework's practical application, three relevant data valuation events are examined: data asset transfer, company liquidation, and financial reporting. These events were chosen for their relevance to real-world business challenges and their ability to highlight the various contextual factors, such as financial reporting standards and legal implications, that can affect data valuation.
The insights gained from applying these events to the developed framework offer new perspectives on data valuation, with the potential to influence and improve how organizations approach the valuation of their data assets in the future. By providing a structured, integrative approach, this thesis aims to help businesses navigate the complexities of data valuation, leading to more informed decision-making and better alignment between data's strategic importance and its financial valuation.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Data Valuation / Datenbewertung, financial and non-financial valuation / finanzielle und nicht-finanzielle Bewertung
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
FHNW- Institut für Finanzmanagement, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Akçay, Melinda & Schaer, Sidney
Betreuende Dozierende
Hüttche, Tobias
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Data Valuation / Datenbewertung, financial and non-financial valuation / finanzielle und nicht-finanzielle Bewertung