Optimisation of Customer Information Usage - Abacus CRM Activity Management

This Bachelor Thesis explores the integration and optimisation of Abacus CRM usage within the company suicorr AG, focusing on activity management, data integration and phone connectivity. Enhancing these functionalities can improve communication and fully leverage the CRM capabilities.

Obrist, Cheryl, 2024

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende suicorr AG
Betreuende Dozierende Loosli, Christina
Views: 8
The ERP software Abacus is already in use at suicorr AG, with the CRM module currently serving primarily as an advanced address book. In order to fully leverage the capabilities of Abacus CRM, the software and its current usage within the company were studied in-depth. Within the CRM, the focus was on the activity management functionalities to improve internal communication, task management and process optimisation. Additionally, the connection of office phones with Abacus was analysed to further improve internal processes and boost overall efficiency.
The research method used in this thesis was qualitative, involving a literature review, semi-structured interviews as well as a document analysis of Abacus. The literature review aimed to gather relevant information on using customer data to enhance business efficiency and communication with a CRM system. The semi-structured interviews with key employees from suicorr AG and reference companies provided comprehensive insights into current practices. The document analysis of Abacus, particularly the CRM module, offered valuable technical insights and identified possible areas for optimisation.
The assessment of the Abacus CRM module provided significant perspectives on its functionalities. Interviews with employees from suicorr AG revealed that while the ERP system Abacus is well-regarded for its basic functionalities, its advanced CRM features are underutilized. The introduction of the activity management function received positive feedback, highlighting the value of recording activities onto customer addresses for improved communication and facilitated tracking of customer interactions. The importance of proper data management was identified as crucial for ensuring seamless processes. Interviews with reference companies indicated that the extent of Abacus implementation correlates with its perceived value. Companies that fully leverage Abacus capabilities recognize its integral role in their business operations. The integration of office phones with Abacus is technically feasible and desired by employees and should thus be pursued. Although not all employees were aware that the synchronisation of customer contacts onto mobile phones via Microsoft Exchange is possible, this feature can now be easily implemented across the whole organisation.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords Abacus CRM, Activity Management, Construction industry
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
suicorr AG, Dietikon
Autorinnen und Autoren
Obrist, Cheryl
Betreuende Dozierende
Loosli, Christina
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Abacus CRM, Activity Management, Construction industry