Conduct a software market analysis and create a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) for an online frontend appointment booking software
The client offers a digital appointment booking solution through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. They encountered cost issues when implementing feature requests for the frontend of the SaaS, leading to customer dissatisfaction as many requests were neglected due to the high expenses.
Maksuti, Rinor, 2024
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende A public administration
Betreuende Dozierende Giovanoli, Claudio
Views: 25
One goal of this bachelor's thesis is to create a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) for an internally developed frontend that checks the technical feasibility to develop an internal frontend, replacing the current provider's frontend. If the PoC is technically feasbile to develop, the technical instructions for development have to be specified.
The other goal is to conduct a refreshed market analysis and evaluation of online appointment booking software to determine whether the current provider remains the best option or if other potential vendors should be considered for a new long-term solution.
For the short-to-medium term, requirements were gathered from documentation and interviews, categorized using the Kano model, and translated into use cases. Backend analysis was conducted, and wireframes and mockups were created, with feedback collected from end-users and the client for mockup adjustments.
For the long term, requirements, evaluation criteria, and weightings were defined. A product search yielded a pre-selection of viable and ruled-out products, which were evaluated against the criteria. This evaluation resulted in scores for each product, leading to a final recommendation.
The PoC demonstrated that an internally developed frontend is technically feasible and implementable. By combining the current SaaS backend with the custom frontend, customers can benefit from the newly realized feature requests. The mockups created contain the technical specifications needed to develop the frontend. The client receives a comprehensive document detailing the relevant backend functionalities and mockups with instructions for the developer.
The updated market analysis revealed that the current SaaS vendor remains a strong fit, securing second place in the evaluation. However, the competition also offers viable solutions that could be considered for a long-term vendor switch. Before making a decision, the client should carefully assess whether switching vendors would be more advantageous than staying with the current provider, given the small difference in scores between the current solution and the top-rated alternative. If a switch is deemed beneficial, the evaluation winner is recommended as the best option for decision-makers.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords software market analysis, proof of concept, evaluation, frontend, online appointment booking software, wirtschaftsinformatik
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich