Quantum Computing Circle concept

As part of the student practical projects of the Business Information Technology study, a concept and marketing materials were created for the new Quantum Computing Circle course at the University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) - Institute of Information Systems.

Adina Bächli & Sven Peier & Stefan Stanic & Richard Elsasser, 2023

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland
Betreuende Dozierende Schneider, Bettina
Keywords Quantum Computing Circle
Views: 73 - Downloads: 2
The Quantum Computing Circle project was launched by the client Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider from the FHNW Institute of Information Systems based in Basel. The new course will be held for the first time in Basel in March to April 2024 for the target group of (future) managers or business students at Bachelor level. The student practical project aimed to tailor the course to the needs of the participants and to promote this course through marketing tools. To fulfill this purpose, several deliverables were defined, which can be broadly categorized as business and marketing deliverables.
To create the concept, a research analysis was carried out, which included both a literature analysis and market research. In addition, two surveys were conducted and evaluated. The results were incorporated into the concept. A logo was created for the marketing deliverables, which was then used for the infographic and the website. The website was created using the content management tool WordPress. Both the infographic and the website are intended to promote the new course and provide further information such as the program and registration options.
The research analysis revealed what information already exists about quantum computing and the beginnings of this promising technology. The market research also showed that many online courses are available worldwide, but in the Swiss market there are no such courses for the Bachelor level, which are aimed at business students. Quantum computing courses are only available in Switzerland for Master's students with an engineering background. This shows that the Quantum Computing Circle course can close the gap and train future business managers in this complex subject. This would also meet the interests of business students, judging by the survey results, as the majority are motivated and interested in learning quantum computing. With the infographic giving an overview of the program and the website providing more detailed information, the target group has a first point of contact and can get all the information they need to inform themselves and sign up for the new course.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Adina Bächli & Sven Peier & Stefan Stanic & Richard Elsasser
Betreuende Dozierende
Schneider, Bettina
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Quantum Computing Circle