Digital Twins for Software

Digital Twins are generally known as representatives of objects of the real world (Bergs et al., 2020, p. 82; Tao et al., 2018, p. 3564). These replica are feeded with the best sensor data, models and other forms of input available to predict the behaviour of its real counterpart (Glaessgen & Stargel, 2012, p. 7). These replicas can be used to better understand such real-life objects. By looking into their behaviour, this might even have reciprocal influence on each other, as they mirror each other (Grieves & Vickers, 2017, p. 93). However, (Parmar et al., 2020, p. 726) state, that with the increasing digitalization of organizations, this will become possible. While (Kerremans, 2017) definition outlines software for an entire organisation, many characteristics of a digital twin can be found within singular software packages, when the software itself is the real asset. The goal of this master thesis is to explore and fill the knowledge-gap with regard to the existing knowledge about Digital Twins of organizations and the missing knowledge about having software itself as the real asset that will be mirrored, a so called Digital Twin for Software. To achieve this goal, the current state of Digital Twins and relevant aspects of software development will be investigated an in-depth interviews will explore, how both aspects can be differentiated. The resulting information is then used to create a framework that helps to guide companies in the application of Digital Twins for Software.

Denz, Raphael, 2023

Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Giovanoli, Claudio
Views: 38
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Master Thesis
Autorinnen und Autoren
Denz, Raphael
Betreuende Dozierende
Giovanoli, Claudio
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Systems (Master)
Standort Studiengang