WhatsApp-based course platform in
South Africa
Representatives of the UN Nations had decided on 17 new Sustainable Development
Goals to be reached by 2030. Goal four focuses on ensuring inclusive and equitable
quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. Therefore, this
thesis aims to determine whether a business can be developed to help content creators
reach the vast majority of the South African population by using WhatsApp as a course
platform. Interviews with content creators were conducted to understand their needs
and pain points with the current situation. Then experts in the fields of WhatsApp
Chatbots and Learning Management System infrastructures were interviewed to find
out how content creators’ pain points and needs can be tackled to provide them with
a platform that is attached to WhatsApp. Based on the interviews, it was determined
that a platform that uses WhatsApp for registration and communication between content
creators and students should be developed. The platform would be a possibility to create
a market for the population of South Africa, or Africa in general, where all different kinds
of courses can be found.
Santome Bragado, Ruben, 2022
Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Hinkelmann, Knut
Views: 19
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich