Selection of Enterprise Application
Integration Solutions
Application Integration helps build bridges between applications and thus streamlines
business processes for the benefit of companies and governments but mainly for their
customers. In addition, with the advent of IoT and hybrid cloud computing, massive
data exchanges need new integration pushes for new methods like Event Architecture
which hasn’t had a lot of research attention with Application Integration methodologies.
Alas, no “one size fits all” for application integration is recommended. Each integration
scenario has to be analyzed individually by a knowledgeable person. No holistic decision
support for choosing an application integration was found.
Thus, this master thesis investigated and tested with integration and business experts
through one-on-one and workshop interviews the creation of a selection aid model to help
support the selection decision process. This model takes both technical and business
criteria into account as too often these world are separated in the analysed literature.
Selection Criteria and Integration Solutions were gathered from multiple sources to make
a holistic and usable model. This was then iteratively challenged and tested with experts
to see how the model handled. Although adjustments have to be made to have a fully
functional and usable model, a well grounded foundation has been laid.
Girardin, Simon, 2021
Art der Arbeit Master Thesis
Betreuende Dozierende Hinkelmann, Knut, Brun, Roman
Views: 29 - Downloads: 2
Studiengang: Business Information Systems (Master)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich