Content Marketing Strategy for a Johnson & Johnson Residents Program
The focus of this bachelor thesis is a content marketing strategy for Johnson & Johnson to effectively communicate its educational offerings tailored for Residents, specifically aspiring surgeons in Surgery and Orthopeadics.
Biedermann, Nadine, 2023
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Johnson & Johnson
Betreuende Dozierende Gnocchi, Aldo
Views: 44
J&J Switzerland has many training opportunities for residents, but this is not communicated anywhere.
Education about the products and the procedures used in surgery are an important service for the doctors and the hospitals. Due to the high workload in the hospitals, there is a need to support the training of residents. There is no strategy on what content should be communicated and how.
There is potential to communicate this offer in a structured way and to be perceived even more as a strong partner for the training of aspiring surgeons.
I got an overview of content marketing and healthcare marketing. I looked at Johnson & Johnson's training programme and what is communicated publicly. I looked at what the competition has to offer. I looked at studies to see what is particularly needed in the training of prospective surgeons. To get my own insight I interviewed surgeons (experts and aspiring surgeons) and conducted a survey. I summarised the results and worked out my content marketing strategy.
The analysis has shown that there is a big gap with the competition, especially when it comes to communicating the training programme on the website. The surveys and interviews showed that email is still the most popular form of communication, but the content is crucial. It should be brief and informative. In particular, only user-specific content should be sent out, preferably 1-2 times a month. The content should be specifically related to hands-on training. Tips and experiences from experienced doctors are also welcome.
There is a great need for hands-on training. Experts and aspiring surgeons would also like the training programme to be transparent and communicated. This enables better planning of training activities. However, training should be offered regularly, as skills can only be improved through repetition.
For the realisation of the content marketing strategy, it is also important to plan the resources so that the tasks for communication are clearly assigned.
Studiengang: Betriebsökonomie (Bachelor)
Keywords Content Marketing Strategy, Marketing, Education, Residents, Medical
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich