Feasibility Of Thaler As A Regional Currency

Introducing a complementary Thaler currency could provide modest economic benefits to the Thal region, but further research and careful implementation are required. The Thaler should be viewed as one possible innovation, not the definitive solution.

Bürkler, Ben & Naqvi, Mujtaba, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Naturpark Thal
Betreuende Dozierende Binswanger, Mathias
Keywords Alternative currencies, Complementary currencies, Regional currencies, Local currencies, Time-based currencies, Community currencies, Community economic development, Community resilience, Localism, Circular economies, Sustainability, Financial inclusion,
Views: 106 - Downloads: 6
Quantitative data shows Thal lags the national average on economic indicators including median income (15% lower), new business formation (20% less), service sector jobs (25% below Swiss average), and population growth (stagnant). These gaps highlight the need for innovative solutions.
Analysis included a review of socioeconomic data contrasting Thal with national benchmarks. Stakeholder interviews provided qualitative insights on attitudes toward a local currency. The study was guided by academic research on community currency adoption.
Residents and businesses could potentially be open to a Thaler currency but want convenience and integration with existing systems. Key implementation requirements include demurrage rate, governance structure, technology platforms, and marketing. Adoption may require incentives like transaction fee discounts. Ongoing community input and adjustment will be important after launch. A Thaler currency alone will not transform Thal's economy. It should be pursued in parallel with interventions like skills training, infrastructure investment, support for entrepreneurs, and place branding. With thoughtful design and as part of a broader competitiveness strategy, introducing a Thaler could provide small but meaningful economic and social benefits over the long term.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Naturpark Thal, Balthal
Autorinnen und Autoren
Bürkler, Ben & Naqvi, Mujtaba
Betreuende Dozierende
Binswanger, Mathias
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Alternative currencies, Complementary currencies, Regional currencies, Local currencies, Time-based currencies, Community currencies, Community economic development, Community resilience, Localism, Circular economies, Sustainability, Financial inclusion,