Risk Management Sports and Leisure Center Tägi AG

With a frequency of ca. 400’000 visitors p.a. and the operation of complex facilities, risk management has gained more importance and the need to know, document, and evaluate important risks has risen. This thesis includes a step-by-step risk assessment that offers an ideal foundation for Tägi AG.

Küffer, Jessica & Zeder, Fabienne, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Tägi AG
Betreuende Dozierende Angehrn, Patrick
Views: 75
Today risk management is a critical topic for a company’s competitive advantage and value-generation process. While Tägi AG is on the right track and has risk management measures in place, those have not been structured or documented systemically. Therefore, the objective of this bachelor’s thesis was to carry out an as-is analysis of Tägi AG identifying all relevant internal/external risks and corresponding measures. The focus was set on the ice rink, swimming pools, gymnasium, and sauna. This thesis should provide a basis for Tägi AG to build upon and further develop its own risk management.
In the first part, theoretical basics regarding risk management were elaborated. In this context, several norms among other ISO 31000 played an important role. With a thorough as-is analysis of the sports and leisure center, several relevant internal and external risks were identified, analyzed, evaluated, and treated. Using different research sources such as scientific papers, books, interviews with staff, and existing risk management of other sports centers in Switzerland a deeper understanding of the topic and a risk catalog including 77 risks with a matrix was established.
The project revealed significant insights into the complexity that Tägi AG as well as other sports and leisure centers face. It is beneficial to get in touch with them to support and learn from each other. This enables Tägi AG to stay up to date with possible emerging risks that may affect their daily operations. Also, “mystery audits” can be introduced where an unbiased and anonymous person visits the facilities and reviews business processes in terms of safety, security, and customer satisfaction. Regular evacuation drills in case of a fire or ammonia leakage, CPR procedure, handling of severe lacerations, etc. should be practiced. To further strengthen its risk management, it is recommended that management establishes uniform documentation and keeps separate records for damage and defects to equipment, materials, and facilities to predict the probability of occurrence more accurately. It is most important that top management including the board of directors ensure that risk management processes are assessed on a regular basis and all internal maintenance tasks and checks as well as preventive measures are performed responsibly to cope with any future threats.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Risk Management, Sports and Leisure Center, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Treatment, Risk Catalog, Risk Matrix
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Tägi AG, Wettingen
Autorinnen und Autoren
Küffer, Jessica & Zeder, Fabienne
Betreuende Dozierende
Angehrn, Patrick
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Risk Management, Sports and Leisure Center, Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Treatment, Risk Catalog, Risk Matrix