Graduation Ball

The implementation and demand for a graduation ball for all three locations of the school of business of FHNW are analyzed in this paper. Suitable venues that are accessible for all locations are assessed and a possible evening program is drawn up on the basis of a survey with next year graduates.

Schwegler, Céline & Lutz, Marie-Theres, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Betreuende Dozierende Burkart, Stephan
Keywords Graduation Ball, FHNW
Views: 33 - Downloads: 5
Currently there is only one graduation ball for the campus Brugg, where students from Basel and Olten are also invited, but in previous years the number of participants was rather low. The management of the school of business wishes a cross-location graduation ball that would leave a last unforgettable impression of the time spent studying at the FHNW. The aim is to expand the network of the graduates for their future career, therefore alumni and partner companies are also be invited to the graduation ball. The goal for the graduation ball is to be financed only by sponsorship money.
An interview with the head of the HSW as well as a survey with respective graduates and alumni associations were conducted to gain insights on their expectations towards the graduation ball. In addition to that, two already existing graduation balls were analysed, and a literature review was compiled. The results obtained serve as the fundamental basis for the further procedure, which includes the research of suitable locations and as a further step, the creation of a holistic concept, including the finances, the program as well as the communication concept of the graduation ball 2024.
The first step was to analyse whether the location should be at central site, where the Aeschenbachhalle in Aarau would suit the most. Or to rotate the location of the graduation ball annually between the three cities, to ensure that all three locations can be integrated equally. Schmatz in Münchstein, Campussaal in Brugg and Schützi in Olten have been proven to be best options that meet all criteria’s such as good accessibility and sufficient space. Schmatz and Aeschbachhalle stand out mainly because of its beautiful designs but are also more expensive than Campussaal and Schützi. The graduates surveyed, who are expected to finish their studies in 2024, aimed snacks to be served. An apéro riche is best suited for this, where vegetarian and vegan dishes are also served. The evening programme should start with a live band and then a DJ will take over later the evening. A new motto should be determined for each year and the decoration and evening entertainment should be adapted accordingly. A photo box should be set up and a professional photographer booked to take pictures that graduates can look at for years to come and be reminded of their positive time at FHNW.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten
Autorinnen und Autoren
Schwegler, Céline & Lutz, Marie-Theres
Betreuende Dozierende
Burkart, Stephan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Graduation Ball, FHNW