Determining Key Terminology for a Marketing Campaign

Codos is leveraging blockchain technology for digital solutions. Their Codos App, launching in 2024, tracks and validates sustainable commutes, automatically calculating the avoided CO2 emissions. Users earn the cryptocurrency Codos as a financial incentive, promoting carbon footprint reduction.

Ackermann, Raphael & Jevremovic, Filip, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Codos Foundation
Betreuende Dozierende Kondova, Galia
Keywords Sustainability, Blockchain, Crypto, Marketing
Views: 37 - Downloads: 7
Recent years have seen increasing interest in sustainability and blockchain. However, much of the world’s population remains unfamiliar with these topics. To bridge this gap, the authors conducted an online survey and expert interviews. The thesis aims to grasp how the target audience views keywords like Blockchain, Crypto, Web3, Sustainable Commute, CO₂ Avoidance and Reduction, and Proof of Sustainability. Ultimately, the authors aim to answer the following research question: “How do individuals aged 18–35 respond to and perceive keywords related to sustainability, blockchain, and crypto?"
A mixed method approach was adopted to achieve comprehensive insights and derive valuable conclusions. The approach involved an online survey targeting individuals aged 18–35. Furthermore, the authors reviewed the literature on the following subjects: Marketing, Sustainability, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Sustainable Commuting, and Environmental Challenges. Additionally, three interviews with experts in the corresponding fields were conducted. These methodologies were employed to acquire valuable perspectives and data that contribute to a comprehensive response to the research question.
For Codos, these results guide suitable marketing terminology and underscore the need for educating about sustainability, blockchain, and crypto. Beyond the survey findings, the value of expert interviews is evident. They reveal that crypto and sustainability can coexist synergistically, offering potential interactions. This finding is especially pertinent for Codos, a project seeking to bridge these domains. The potential is substantial, attracting individuals from both spheres and challenging the misconception of environmentally detrimental cryptocurrencies, albeit partially. The trajectory of projects like Codos will determine the future relevance and manifestation of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Sustainability’s significance hinges on financial sector engagement and advanced technologies like blockchain, as highlighted by Susanne Fromm in the interview: “There needs to be a rethink in our economic system towards a regenerative economy, and nature needs to be included. Value needs to be assigned to nature. The blockchain enables this because it is possible to map and trade never-traded assets in a completely new way, which will have relevance and value in the future”.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Codos Foundation, Zug
Autorinnen und Autoren
Ackermann, Raphael & Jevremovic, Filip
Betreuende Dozierende
Kondova, Galia
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Sustainability, Blockchain, Crypto, Marketing