SQL Scrolls Public Release

Educational games are already prevalent in everyday life to teach new life skills like learning a new language. They have proven effective in the motivation and active learning of students, but only a few available SQL learning game solutions are available to fit long-term classroom teaching.

Wilhelm, Jan, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz / Hochschule für Technik
Betreuende Dozierende Pustulka, Elzbieta
Keywords Game-Based Learning, Public Release, SQL, Computer Science, SQL Scrolls
Views: 63
With SQL Scrolls, FHNW wants to publish their own developed digital learning game. The game teaches the fundamentals of SQL through user input with direct feedback. The goal of this Bachelorthesis is to prepare the game for a public release. This includes mirgrating the game to GitHub, investigating the installing process, and writing documentation on how to install and add additional tasks to the game. Additionally, SQL Scrolls the student prepares a demo document suitable for a database conferece like EDBT.
To beginn, literature research and a survey on game-based learning were conducted. Additionally, current SQL Scrolls games were analysed. During the preparation, one additional Scroll was added to the game with a linear murder storyline. The previous deployment method through Docker was investigated and adjusted for a more straightforward process. To promote collaboration, the project was migrated to GitHub and documented with step-by-step manuals and videos on the installation process and how to add further tasks and books.
As part of the proposal, nine deliverables were developed. "Murder at the University", an additional set of tasks, was added to SQL Scrolls. It includes 16 tasks with more advanced difficulty. SQL Scrolls was migrated from GitLab to GitHub to make the game better available. To support the installation process for users, environment variables were integrated into the Docker files, and a step-by-step manual with a tutorial video was created. An in-depth manual was also prepared to demonstrate how to add books and tasks. A test plan, bug list, and various quality changes ensured that the game was ready for release. This bachelor thesis laid the foundation for the public release of SQL Scroll. With the help of this documentation, prepared manuals and going open-source, presenting it to a wide audience should be possible in the near future. With SQL Scrolls, a learning-based game was developed by FHNW to support SQL teaching and providing further research for games in education.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz / Hochschule für Technik, Windisch
Autorinnen und Autoren
Wilhelm, Jan
Betreuende Dozierende
Pustulka, Elzbieta
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Game-Based Learning, Public Release, SQL, Computer Science, SQL Scrolls