Digitalisation of HPV-Vaccination Documentation Process

The cantonal HPV-vaccination program is analysed and options for digitalisation are explored. The thesis shows the weaknesses of the mostly paper-based processes and through stakeholder analysis, process modeling and requirements engineering a new digitalised process is proposed.

Bissegger, Nadja, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Gesundheitsdirektion Kanton Zürich, Amt für Gesundheit
Betreuende Dozierende Spahic, Maja
Views: 59
Human papilloma viruses (HPV) are transmitted sexually and can cause various forms of cancer. Since 2008 a cantonal immunization program has offered, free of charge, a vaccination that can protect against infection with the most important types of this virus. The cantonal medical service (KAD) oversees the program. The current processes for vaccination data delivery, inventory control, and reimbursement are complex, heavily paper-based and impose quite a lot of manual record keeping. This gave rise to the project for the digitalisation of the HPV vaccination documentation process.
To understand the processes, key stakeholders were identified and interviewed. With the gathered information, the AS-IS processes were modelled using Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN). It was then determined which process steps could best be digitized and the requirements for the future system were recorded. Subsequently, different variants for a future software solution were elaborated and the final TO-BE processes were modelled using BPMN. The project followed the HERMES framework, including some elements of Scrum, which allowed for greater flexibility in developing the solution.
The interviews with different stakeholders revealed inconsistent processes, partially due to a lack of common understanding, and including many manual steps. The vaccination data delivery from the medical professionals was non-uniform and non-digital, which led to low data quality and inefficiencies in the processes. The BPMN modelling of the current state of the processes was key in understanding and prioritizing the next steps. The biggest opportunities for digitalisation were identified, requirements defined, and multiple solution options were elaborated. The different options ranged from a full vaccination tool with user login and cloud storage to less invasive options which mainly improve processes internally in the KAD. The focus here was to standardize the data delivery and storage of all relevant data in one place, always in compliance with strict data protection requirements. Together with the client, the options were evaluated and the best one was chosen. For the chosen option, detailed requirements were defined, and the new process documented in BPMN. Finally, mock-ups of the proposed new data input forms were created.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords BPMN, Requirements Engineering, Digitalisation, Process Optimisation, Stakeholder Analysis
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Gesundheitsdirektion Kanton Zürich, Amt für Gesundheit, Zürich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Bissegger, Nadja
Betreuende Dozierende
Spahic, Maja
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
BPMN, Requirements Engineering, Digitalisation, Process Optimisation, Stakeholder Analysis