Development of a New Alternative Basic Insurance Model
The Swiss health insurance sector is a big but also tough market. Although Switzerland is a small country with a well-managed healthcare system, some gaps exist. One of these gaps is the focus on covering expenses of preventive examinations from part of the insurance companies.
Bekiri, Arbnor, 2023
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Insurance Company
Betreuende Dozierende Haverals, Jacqueline
Views: 70
The health insurance system consists of two parts: the mandatory insurance (LAMal) and the voluntary supplementary insurance (LCA). In Switzerland, there are some screening preventive programs that cover expenses for breast cancer for women. However, the cantons can decide to adopt new screening programs. Therefore, a well-known health insurance company has been keeping an eye on the market and also on its competitors. The company plans to bring in the market a new basic insurance model with the aim of offering the possibility to do preventive medical checkups and additional valuable services.
In order to analyze and also answer these aspects, the informative background of the context is explained. Moreover, topics such as preventive examinations, medical checkups and more will also be defined and explained. As a counterpart to the theoretical part, cost allocations, surveys and information exchange with experts are conducted to determine how the execution of some of these services of the new product is perceived in practice.
The thesis highlights that the new services might entail a high additional financial weight for insurance providers, but also offer opportunities. The risk of putting in the market such a model can bring to an unsuccessful business. However, the model’s services add value to the company vision but also to the healthcare system chain. The involved insurance company would benefit from greater customer satisfaction and reaching product profitability. Nevertheless, the thesis finds that the firm is recommended to focus on broadening its horizons regarding the services provided by the new model, to do more detailed financial evaluations and keep the risk analysis always up to date to ensure that the new product will succeed and compete in the market.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Swiss health insurance sector, Healthcare system, Preventive examinations, Swiss Mandatory insurance, Screening preventive programs, Market & Competitor analysis
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich