KPI Dashboard for AFS Switzerland - A comprehensive gap-analysis on the KPI landscape of AFS Switzerland

The goal of this thesis was to provide an exhaustive list of Key Performance Indicators for AFS Switzerland in the areas Quality, Program, Volunteering, and Finance. While certain KPIs were already established, the areas lacked documentation and structure. Thus, a KPI Dashboard had to be created.

Maier, Nathalie & Rakasz, Tizian, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland
Betreuende Dozierende Frei, Christian
Keywords KPI Dashboard
Views: 29
AFS has already established semi-structured KPIs and processes for some areas, while others lack any documentation and/or tracking of relevant metrics. To add complexity, AFS has several tools which source the relevant data. However, there needs to be more connection of data and a centralised database for the construction of reporting materials (e.g., a KPI-Dashboard for the board). Thus, we have been tasked to create a comprehensive landscape of documented and achievable KPIs in the following areas: Quality, Program, Volunteering, and Finance.
The methodology employed a combination of data, processes, and organisational experiences, along with relevant academic research. The review presents a special focus on NGOs. We chose the gap analysis, which seeks to define a current state, desired state, and the gap. We started with documenting the current performance landscape and then analysed based on collected data and literature. The analysis started with 90 metrics. Each of these metrics where scrutinized based on frameworks introduced in the literture, resulting the final list of 111 metrics, with 35 top-level KPIs.
The key findings of the gap analysis led to several overarching recommendations, including reviewing the assigned KPI owners, establishing a periodicity for reporting, and formalizing reporting with clear current and target values. The thesis also provides individual recommendations for each metric in the KPI dashboard included in the appendix. The thesis and respective dashboard provide a thorough and practical set of KPIs, with the goal to enable AFS Switzerland to efficiently monitor and enhance performance. The organisation may fulfil its goals in the areas of Quality, Program, Volunteering, and Finance by putting the recommendations into practise and using the centralised KPI dashboard.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland , Zurich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Maier, Nathalie & Rakasz, Tizian
Betreuende Dozierende
Frei, Christian
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
KPI Dashboard