Web Analytics Strategy for the FHNW's Website studierendenprojekte.wirtschaft.fhnw.ch

The studierendenprojekte.wirtschaft.fhnw.ch website of the FHNW manages over 2’400 student projects. This generates a lot of data from website traffic which needs to be analysed to support the team that manages and maintains the website. To achieve this, a web analytics strategy is required.

Herlig, Luca, 2023

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Pande, Charuta
Keywords Web Analytics Strategy, Web Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, FHNW
Views: 34
The team is confronted with the problem that the vast amount of data generated through website traffic, is currently not analysed efficiently. One reason for this is that there is currently no defined web analytics strategy in place, and another reason is that only one analytical tool is used for the analysis of the website. The inefficient use of data, and deficiency of analytical tools and capabilities prevents the team to use the full analytical potential. To solve this problem, a new tool is introduced, and a web analytics strategy is defined by integrating both tools into the solution.
The current situation needs to be examined to create a recommendation for the web analytics strategy. Google Search Console is the only tool which is currently used by the team to analyse the website traffic. This tool has several limitations which prevent the team from exploiting the full analytical potential of the website. Google Analytics was introduced to overcome these limitations and define a recommended web analytics strategy. The recommended web analytics strategy was developed based on the examination of the analytical capabilities of Google Search Console and Google Analytics.
The client received a fully functional Google Analytics Property, which was customised to analyse the website. With this new Google Analytics Property, the client has a new additional tool to use for the analysis of the website, which continuously collects data since the end of June 2023. With the recommended web analytics strategy, the client can analyse the data generated by the website traffic and understand user behaviour. The information gained from the tools, combined with the recommended web analytics strategy, helps the team to understand the users and to maintain and develop the website. This strategy serves as a basis which can be further expanded with the exploration of different functionalities provided by Google Analytics in future web analytics projects.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Olten
Autorinnen und Autoren
Herlig, Luca
Betreuende Dozierende
Pande, Charuta
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Web Analytics Strategy, Web Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, FHNW