UNIA Software Assessment and Integration

Improving client legal department's efficiency and performance with our software assessment and integration project that eliminates pain points in the current processes. Our recommended solution improves data management and offers a Best-Fit CRM upgrade for improved results.

Obasi, Chima & Njuguna, Steven & Käppler, Sherdel & Takiyu-Deen, Najeem & Schumacer, Damian Pascal, 2022

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende UNIA
Betreuende Dozierende Pande, Charuta
Views: 69
Our team conducted a comprehensive analysis of various CRM software options and their integration features. We identified stakeholders, processes and subprocesses, and defined assessment criteria to evaluate the existing and missing features of the software options. We also compared the requirements catalogue of the options and identified other software options available in the market. Finally, we made recommendations for a new software solution for the legal department at the regional office.
Through our analysis, we identified waste in the form of unnecessary transportation, motion, waiting and idleness, inventory, defects, over-processing, and over-production. We also found that the current Ms Dynamics 2016 CRM interface (known as "Stellaplus") and the Rechtsfalljournal platform (which provides access to "SharePoint") were not sufficient for the needs of the legal department. Our recommendations for a new software solution will help the regional office improve its data management practices and better serve the needs of its legal department.
The software assessment and integration project was carried out to identify and evaluate software options for a regional office. The 7 MUDAS of waste approach was used to identify key pain points and bottlenecks in current processes. The recommended software solution, in combination with the in-depth analysis, provided a framework for a best-fit CRM solution that would improve data management practices and better serve the legal department's needs. The proposed implementation strategy also included cost savings and improved efficiency for the organization.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords Software assessment, Evaluation, Methodology, Comparison
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
UNIA, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Obasi, Chima & Njuguna, Steven & Käppler, Sherdel & Takiyu-Deen, Najeem & Schumacer, Damian Pascal
Betreuende Dozierende
Pande, Charuta
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Software assessment, Evaluation, Methodology, Comparison