Define strategy for the corporate communication approach

Public Management Summary - Define strategy for the corporate communication approach Proposal for more focused use of internal channels

Kleiner, Moana & Pini, Kevin & Dobric, Tijana & Simonek, Andrea Alec & Kaufmann, Carla, 2023

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Endress + Hauser
Betreuende Dozierende Jüngling, Stephan
Keywords corporate communication
Views: 92
Improving internal communication is a long journey and cannot be implemented within 6 months. In this sense, the project serves as a foundation for continuous improvement. Effective internal communication is essential for efficiently achieving business goals by communicating expectations and coordinating work. At the client, information is currently distributed through multiple channels, resulting in employees feeling overwhelmed and important information not reaching the intended audience. To address these issues, a pilot project was conducted.
The project about defining a strategy for a corporate communication approach consists of three main project objectives: conducting an as-is analysis, finding a solution to internal communication problems and evaluating the success of the project. During the as-is analysis, existing communication channels and employees' needs were analyzed through interviews and surveys. Further, a comparison was made with another company of similar size. The results include the interview and survey outcomes as well as the analysis of the communication strategy of the other company.
After conducting the as-is analysis, the project team shared the findings with the client, developed a factsheet, and made recommendations for improving internal communications. The project used an agile scrum methodology and the solution was not to implement a strategy or tool, but to provide valuable data, recommendations, and a factsheet. The project was evaluated by the team by comparing whether all requirements were met and deliverables were delivered. The team used an agile scrum methodology with regular client meetings to ensure high client satisfaction. Any issues or ambiguities were discussed immediately to avoid misunderstandings. The main risk of the project was a change in scope, which was mitigated by working with the customer to gather requirements in as much detail as possible. In conclusion, the project was successful, met the client's requirements, and provided valuable insights due to its rich, comprehensive, and visualized data collection serving as a basis for further analysis.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Endress + Hauser
Autorinnen und Autoren
Kleiner, Moana & Pini, Kevin & Dobric, Tijana & Simonek, Andrea Alec & Kaufmann, Carla
Betreuende Dozierende
Jüngling, Stephan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
corporate communication