Feedback: Student expectations

This study demonstrates how students at the FHNW in Olten react to different feedback approaches and can assist lecturers in responding to students needs regarding feedback.

Tütsch, Chiara & Jungi, Annik & Nguyen, Trang & Pajaziti, Korab & Rosamilia, Marco, 2023

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Betreuende Dozierende Göldi, Susan
Views: 128
Receiving feedback is crucial to the students' learning process; nevertheless, research indicates that students can experience various difficulties when trying to benefit from feedback. According to studies, Generation Z expects a different type of feedback than earlier generations considered appropriate and acceptable. The FHNW in Olten addressed the question of what their students expect from feedback they receive from their lecturers. The goal was to assist the FHNW Olten by conducting a literature-based survey and providing significant input as this topic has not yet been addressed.
Based on studies and theories reaching from 2010 up to today, a literature-based survey was undertaken. This survey provided primary data that were examined. In order to offer a scientific basis for the study, the current literature on feedback and generation Z was reviewed. Using the data output for the analysis, as much qualitative information as possible was sought. The focus is on the following important themes throughout the entire paper: Ideal time frame of feedback, feedback method, feedback audience, and feedback content.
The conducted survey based on a sample size of 119 participants, indicates that students have unique ideas regarding, whether feedback should be written or oral, individual or in groups, emotional or rational and in which time frame it should be provided. The primary conclusion indicates that around 80% of students anticipate comments throughout the semester, not later. Moreover, the study points out, that students place the highest value on both individual and constructive comments. Another important part of this paper was the recommendations section, where the authors presented recommendations for future research on this topic. Here, it was suggested that the individual characteristics and cultural background could be researched, as the survey conducted did not take these factors into account. Additionally, it was suggested, to use the results the authors provided as a basis and to compare those to further research that could be deducted for the master’s degree.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Feedback students expectations, Generation Z
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten
Autorinnen und Autoren
Tütsch, Chiara & Jungi, Annik & Nguyen, Trang & Pajaziti, Korab & Rosamilia, Marco
Betreuende Dozierende
Göldi, Susan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Feedback students expectations, Generation Z