New DPA of Switzerland and GDPR of the EU
In a world where technology is becoming ever more advanced, the laws on data protection and security must also evolve along with it. Examples of these are the GDPR of the EU and the newly updated Swiss data protection act (DPA).
Fairbrother, Euan & Sockalingam, Srijaan & Blatter, Rea-Kay & Varatharajah, Abinaya & Ahmetasevic, Kenan, 2022
Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision
Betreuende Dozierende Schneider, Bettina
Views: 158
With the new Swiss DPA coming into effect on September 1st, 2023, Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision wanted to be informed of any important changes and requirements they would have to fulfil.
Our goal for the project was to inform Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision about required changes they would need to implement, deadlines for said changes as well as potential fines and consequences. With this in mind, our proposed deliverable was a “To-do list” with important resulting actions that we recommend to be made along with deadlines for certain changes.
In order to achieve this we had to do a lot of research and studying of the DPA and GDPR. We also had to find out what Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision was already compliant with. Within our project group we decided to split the tasks between us, to each work on separate areas of the project.
Our goal was that once the project finished, Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision had a better idea of changes that needed to be made, when those changes needed to be made by and that with the help of an expert they could successfully implement the necessary adjustments.
During the project we found many requirements in the GDPR and DPA that affected the company and would need to be addressed. By the end of the project we also decided to create a roadmap which could help show a possible timeline for implementing the required changes we had discovered.
We recommended that after our project Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision should visit a legal expert and using our deliverable, have a clear list and idea of what needed to be addressed.
The project’s topic was quite complex and out of our comfort zone and in hindsight we probably would have taken a different approach, but we were able to learn a lot and take valuable experience from it.
To summarize this project, the objective was to research the Swiss DPA and the GDPR of the EU and then to deliver a list of crucial changes that are recommended to be made. Along with deadlines, information about potential fines and links to contact experts or find more information about certain topics. Our final deliverable should aid Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision to become more Swiss DPA and GDPR compliant.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords GDPR, Data, Privacy, Law
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich