Harmonized Purchase Order Process at Computacenter AG

In recent years technological changes and the acquisition of further Swiss companies and mergers to Computacenter AG has led to a unharmonized purchase ordering process, or no clear process at all respectively. A new harmonized purchase ordering process should be developed.

Gergely, Daniel & Mägli, Jonas & Oliva, Manuel Antonio & Grünenfelder, Timo, 2023

Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Computacenter AG
Betreuende Dozierende Moriggl, Pascal, Loosli, Christina
Keywords Process modelling, BPMN, requirements engineering, ERP, purchase order process, tool recommendation
Views: 39
Currently there are various systems and processes in place at Computacenter AG for managing different business functions across different departments, but some of these processes are manual or lack standardization. There is no single process which covers a purchase order from start to finish. Furthermore, the requirements for a purchase order process were not documented for all departments.
In a first phase, the project team identified the stakeholders and documented over 50 requirements for the Purchase Order Process by conducting interviews. These requirements were reviewed and approved by the project sponsor. Based on the requirements, a purchase order process was then modelled according to the BPMN standard. Finally, it was evaluated whether the process could be implemented using the existing tools and various options for implementation were developed.
A total of three deliverables were handed over to the client. The requirements engineering document, which contains all stakeholder requirements for the process and was signed off by the project sponsor. The new Purchase Order Process in BPMN standard, which fulfils the requirements and also includes the various edge cases. In addition to the process, a mock-up form with integrated business logic was created to graphically and functionally illustrate the requirements for a purchase order request submission form respecting the required values for the process. Several options and recommendations on how the process could be implemented in the current IT landscape were made. The project has given the client a clear overview of all the requirements across the different departments. The modelled process can serve as a foundation to implement a harmonised process. The form mock-up and the options for implementation provide a good starting point for discussions around the technical implementation.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Computacenter AG, Dietikon
Autorinnen und Autoren
Gergely, Daniel & Mägli, Jonas & Oliva, Manuel Antonio & Grünenfelder, Timo
Betreuende Dozierende
Moriggl, Pascal, Loosli, Christina
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Process modelling, BPMN, requirements engineering, ERP, purchase order process, tool recommendation