Enhance the modelling experience of the web-based modelling environment AOAME
AOAME is one of the few modelling tools that allows users to model a diagram but also extend or create their own modelling language. Even though AOAME offers various functionality, the FHNW was unsatisfied with its look and feel and wanted it enhanced to be closer to the state of the art.
Hargrave, Victor, 2022
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, HSW FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Pande, Charuta
Views: 78 - Downloads: 48
The most important goal of the project was to improve the modelling experience of the web-based modeling environment AOAME. At the start of the project, AOAME was using the JavaScript library, GoJS, for generating graphical models. The client wasn’t fully satisfied with the GoJS implementation, and had therefore done initial research on replacing it with a library such as bpmn.js (https://github.com/bpmn-io/bpmn-js-example-angular). The objectives were therefore
1. to analyse if switching to bpmn.js or another library made sense
2. integrate the proposed library
3. create a user tutorial
Analysis was first conducted on what modelling libraries are even available, however, the best options were still between improving the GoJS implementation or replacing it with bpmn.js. A PoC for both libraries was created, and after reviewing them, the client decided to improve the GoJS implementation, which was then done.
The project was completed with an agile methodology, with the project results being presented biweekly at the sprint meetings. This iterative approach allowed the student to consistently get the client's feedback and ensure the right solutions were being developed.
AOAME is now easier to use, but there’s still more that can be done. The UI has been reworked to make it more intuitive for the end user and reduce the number of steps a user needs to take before they can start modelling.
In addition, serious focus was put on redoing the BPMN modelling experience. For BPMN elements, an implementation for modelling BPMN diagrams was taken from the official GoJS page and integrated into AOAME. This implementation has a modern look and feel, and is the start of smarter modelling languages within AOAME. It does so by offering specific BPMN validation and improving how pools and lanes within BPMN are created.
In addition to this smarter experience for models, initial work has been done to improve the palette. It’s now possible to show drawn elements in the palette, and not just images of nodes. The palette has been rewritten the way the GoJS library had imagined it, so functionality like drag and drop should be possible to now implement.
Finally, a user tutorial for AOAME has been created and tested by three users to validate that it is understandable. This tutorial should make it easier for beginners to interact with and use AOAME.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords Web-Based Modelling Environment, AOAME, Analysis, PoC, Proof of Concept, Workflow Change, BPMN Modelling Rewrite, Ontologies, Modelling Languages
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich