Efficiency Gain with Facility Management Transformation
For a business to take place, the employees need resources to work. Facility management is responsible for the organization of facility resources, supporting services, working environments, and the building itself, keeping employees productive and thus influencing the overall performance of a firm.
Buess, Keanu & Zybell, Dennis, 2022
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Bank for International Settlements.
Betreuende Dozierende Nathan, Ganesh
Views: 42
An important fact to mention is that facility management is not the core business of this specific international bank. Their facility management has over 100 external service providers, and approximately 98% are outsourced. Trends like higher energy prices or environmental protection are themes that could develop into future problems or, if considered early, also be an opportunity for improvement. Problems and challenges, regarding communication and quality, with vendors, also hinder the facility management to function smoothly.
This thesis used interviews and questionnaires filled out by different facility management experts and external vendors working with the above-mentioned international banking organization to get valuable information for the research question and sub-research questions. Furthermore, reading through different literature reviews related to FM, like insourcing vs outsourcing and new trends for FM provided qualitative high depth to the work. With the literature review and the information provided by the interviews and questionnaires combined with the models, the findings were created.
Examples and information from other facility management employees from other industries and the analysis of current trends in the facility management area are being used to make suggestions for the international bank. These suggestions include indications of what the international banking organization should pay attention to and recommendations on what the international banking organization can do to improve its facility management.
With this, the international banking organization gets an overview of what is trending. Adding to that, through interviews and questionnaires, they get a perspective on what other experts’ thoughts are in the area of facility management. With this, they can derive their own ideas using this paper as a launch pad for new implementations.
Furthermore, several models are introduced in the thesis. Taking the current state of the facility management of the international banking organization into account and recommending actions to change and improve the status quo. Certain undertakings suggested have already proven to be successful at other companies, which lessens the risk of failure.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Efficiency Gain with Facility Management Transformation
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich