Define and establish the customer journey for a packaging company to enhance online sales

Online sales channels have become remarkably important in recent years. Having a well-functioning web shop is therefore crucial for many businesses. Also, understanding the customer journey in order to provide an excellent overall customer service is essential. This Bachelor thesis challenges both.

Held, Dominik & Fischer, Alexander, 2022

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Brieger Verpackungen
Betreuende Dozierende Perrett, Pieter Jan
Keywords customer journey, survey, interview, web shop, SEO, SEA
Views: 26
A company for cardboard and standard packaging solutions launched their new web shop in 2020. Since its introduction, the web shop has not performed as desired. Customer often seem to prefer direct contact with sales employees. The company, on the contrary, would like to see more customers completing their orders via the newly established web shop. To push its sales via the web shop the customer journey was investigated and measures for improvement were defined.
The procedure encompasses a theoretical as well as a practical part. Firstly, a comprehensive literature review on relevant topics was written. Based on the acquired knowledge, primary data collection at customers and at sales employees was conducted. Customers answered an online survey, while interviews where held with sales staff. As a next step, the results were analysed and summarized. Ultimately, recommendations for the further enhancement of the web shop and the whole customer journey were formulated.
Interesting information emerged from the customer survey as well as the interviews with sales staff. Based on this information, the client received comprehensive recommendations on how every phase of the customer journey at their company can be enhanced. A special focus has been put on the web shop, which was also the concern of most recommendations. With the detailed data collection, the analysis as well as the recommendations for action, this bachelor thesis lays the foundation for the client to further advance the web shop and to improve the whole customer experience. While the recommendations formulated by the authors focus on the topics that presumably have the biggest impact on the customer journey, the collected data provides additional findings for the client. Based on the collected data, the client can also define his own measures to achieve his objective of improving the customer journey and strengthening the online shop.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Brieger Verpackungen, Schlieren
Autorinnen und Autoren
Held, Dominik & Fischer, Alexander
Betreuende Dozierende
Perrett, Pieter Jan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
customer journey, survey, interview, web shop, SEO, SEA