Developing an Instagram filter (Spark AR) to reconstruct ancient wall paintings in historical sites
Worldwide, institutions are investing in Augmented Reality to offer fresh experiences and develop learning possibilities. The objective would be to successfully employ the latest technological advancements in the tourism experience and help promote the cultural heritage of these historical sites
Paruchuri, Vinusha & Zürcher, Melissa, 2022
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Kloster Val Müstair
Betreuende Dozierende Korkut, Safak
Views: 65 - Downloads: 13
The Kloster hosts the best-preserved paintings from the early medieval ages. To attract more tech-savvy and younger visitors, the abbey foundation is exploring options to introduce technological trends into the tourism experience. One of the ideas is to leverage Augmented Reality (AR) social media filters to help with the tour of the Kloster. Instagram filters are one such choice of AR filters, and they are developed using the Spark AR Studio platform. Interactions with the Kloster foundation members and tour guides are crucial to the design and development of the filters
The prototype filters were created using the latest version of the Spark AR Studio. The filters were divided into three segments: audio, text, and projection. The audio files include recordings describing the subject or object on display. The audio playback prototype filter is built to represent the statues and the frescoes in focus. The prototype projection filters are made to project the frescoes on the walls of the Kloster and the figures in the Kloster. The prototype text filters are created to project textual information regarding the paintings.
The developed projection filter can be used as a reference to show the hidden paintings during the restoration process; this will make visitors experience all the filters and learn about the ancient art. The text and audio filters can help Tour guides take a break from continuously talking for 45-60mins, where they can provide devices or links to the visitors to have to explore the paintings and the stories behind them. All the filters can be used as a self-guided tour when visitors visit the site where no guided tours are available. The filters can also remove the language barrier, as the church does not offer time in many languages. In this case, the store in the Museum holds some booklets to serve. It would be best to include mobile devices with filters to explore the Museum alone without the tour guide. Overall augmented reality filters can improve the quality and attract the younger generation
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Augmented Reality, Instagram Filters, Spark AR, Digital Museum
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich