The concept of a sustainable organisation structure in semi-professional sports

Non-profit organisations like sports clubs find themselves in more complex networks with powerful partners and counterplayers. Limited resources and a mission-driven purpose force most sports clubs to find innovative solutions. This bachelor thesis provides one solution approach.

Acimovic, Dejan, 2022

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Swim Team Biel-Bienne
Betreuende Dozierende Minnig, Christoph
Keywords sustainable organisation structure, sports clubs, communication platform
Views: 75 - Downloads: 28
According to the Sports Switzerland survey by the Federal Office for Sports conducted in 2020, Switzerland is one of the most active countries in Europe. 75% of the Swiss population regularly did some sports activity in 2020. Furthermore, 36% of the Swiss population were members of a sports club, and even 12.6% performed voluntary work in a sports club. This high sports interest within Swiss society has faced a decreasing number of sports clubs in recent years. Various reasons force sports clubs to merge with another sports organisation or adapt their organisational structure accordingly.
This bachelor thesis provides a solution approach for a semi-professional sports club in Biel, Switzerland. A profound literature analysis, interviews with critical club positions, and a strategic analysis of the organisation structure present the Swim Team Biel-Bienne's (STBB) groundwork. The newly acquired information offers a result that aims to suit STBB and its environment.
Based on the analysis, risks were identified within the internal communication channels of STBB that hinder the information flow, making the organisation lethargic to change. With the introduction of an exchange platform, an additional organisational unit on the club operation’s level would tackle several risks simultaneously. Besides bridging the information gap and channelling the knowledge, further benefits have been identified that the exchange platform could bring. However, it is essential to implement and execute the concept of the exchange platform with the consent and help of the affected positions and people. Personalised decision-making and information oligarchies are only some essential characteristics of voluntary sports clubs influencing this solution approach. Additionally, this solution approach is tailored to STBB and does not represent a general formula of success but can offer innovative impulses to other sports clubs’ problem areas. Sports clubs are unique in many ways, which is why this research work tried to provide a tailored solution for specific problems in a specific environment.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Swim Team Biel-Bienne, Biel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Acimovic, Dejan
Betreuende Dozierende
Minnig, Christoph
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
sustainable organisation structure, sports clubs, communication platform