Evaluation of an ERP system for a technology spin-off
Many companies rely on ERP systems to manage their daily business. But knowing which system is right can be difficult since there are so many existing ERPs. If there is a need for a new system, how can companies know their options? The Thesis has answered this for one particular technology spin-off.
Hainmüller, Jonas, 2022
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Valenco GmbH
Betreuende Dozierende Wache, Holger
Keywords Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP, Information Systems
Views: 41
Valenco is an engineering company which created a new business where they sell soil sensors to agricultural and scientific clients. This business has become big enough and is planned to be expanded further with different kinds of sensors, that they want to create a separate technology spin-off business. Currently they are using the same ERP system for both their regular business and the sensor business. But the current ERP system does not possess the necessary functionalities to completely support the new spin-off. Valenco is looking for a new ERP system to fulfil those needs.
First requirements for the new ERP had to be gathered. This happened with the visit to the company to get to know their day-to-day business. After this, interviews were being held with the employees to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and to know currently missing functionalities. In a next step an analysis of the market for existing Swiss ERP system was done. These systems could be divided into three categories. Not fulfilling requirements, too expensive and acceptable. Of the acceptable systems the two most promising ones were chosen and analysed in more detail.
No company has the time to look at the giant market of ERP systems when they decide or need to switch to a new ERP system. Often only the biggest names get considered and potentially lesser known options do not even enter their mind even if they might be a better fit than better known competitors. With the report, Valenco receives a comprehensive overview of the Swiss ERP landscape which enables them to accelerate their process when selecting their new ERP system for their technology spin-off. They directly know which ERP systems do not fulfil their requirements and which could fulfil them. This allows them to save time and effort in the scouting and selection process of their new ERP system. In addition, two systems were analysed more thoroughly which gives them a more detailed look at two promising solutions.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich