Development of a Proposal to update the Balanced Scorecard for Regionales Pflegezentrum Baden AG

In this paper, a tailored, updated version of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the main reporting and controlling tool of the Regionales Pflegezentrum Baden AG (RPB), one of the largest nursing institutions of the canton of Argovia, has been developed.

Barone, Enrique, 2022

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Regionales Pflegezentrum Baden AG
Betreuende Dozierende Lucco, Andreas
Views: 34
The BSC, which the RPB currently utilizes, is compiled in Excel and focuses mainly on financial metrics. The goal of this paper was to create a proposal for an updated Balanced Scorecard, which builds upon the existing one and expands it with further key indicators while taking the balance of the different perspectives into account and the strategy of the RPB. Furthermore, this suggestion should included the required information to enable its implement into the integrated management system of the firm, namely the IMS.
The process to develop this proposal included the analysis of the origin of the BSC, its current academic landscape and its limitations, the review of the capabilities of the IMS, the gathering of testimonials from other nursing institutions on the usage of the BSC, a detailed review of the RPB, its strategy and therefrom derived concepts and, the currently used BSC. Based upon this information, workshops with the members of the executive board were conducted to develop new indicators, which then were assessed by the student and compiled to a updated version of the BSC.
This proposal added new metrics to the BSC, but also replaced existing ones. The distribution of the key indicators has been balanced, as the four perspectives are now covered approximately equally. In addition to the definition and description, there is further information on the calculation, the data collection process and the responsibilities for each key indicators. With this information, it is possible to integrate the BSC into the IMS. Furthermore, the suitability of this new BSC has been reviewed by integrating it into a strategy map. The strategy map substantiates the utility of the BSC by rationalizing the connections and positive influences metrics have on each other. With the suggestion of the altered scorecard as well as the list of key indicators, which were developed during the workshops and considered for the proposal, but not recommended to include into the new version, the RPB receives two extensive, tailored tools to build upon for further discussions regarding its utilization of the BSC.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Balanced Scorecard, BSC, Care sector
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Regionales Pflegezentrum Baden AG, Baden
Autorinnen und Autoren
Barone, Enrique
Betreuende Dozierende
Lucco, Andreas
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Balanced Scorecard, BSC, Care sector