Sustainability Marketing Strategy Coherence for an Internationally Active Company in the Manufacturing Industry: Applying the Sustainability Marketing Canvas

In today’s business world, sustainability is a major topic. However, it is not only important to act sustainably, but also to communicate accordingly. This requires a coherent sustainability marketing strategy which can be developed by applying a framework called Sustainability Marketing Canvas.

Kuster, Andreas & Bolliger-Aregger, Melanie, 2022

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Internationally Active Company in the Manufacturing Industry
Betreuende Dozierende Fuduric, Nikolina
Keywords Sustainability, Marketing, Sustainability Marketing Strategy, Sustainability Marketing Canvas
Views: 19
Although sustainability has become a major topic in today’s business world, there exists an inconsistency in how companies communicate their sustainability activities. This results from the fact that many companies have not yet developed coherent sustainability marketing strategies and are thus unable to convey them consistently. It is important to address this issue and find a practical method to develop a strong sustainability marketing strategy and to communicate sustainability activities effectively. This is also true for an internationally active company in the manufacturing industry.
To be able to develop a basis for a strong sustainability marketing strategy for the company operating in the manufacturing industry, its latest sustainability report and social media posts on LinkedIn are examined for sustainability activities. The same is done for its competitors in two predefined business areas. The sustainability needs of its customers in these business areas are also determined, by analyzing surveys. By applying the Sustainability Marketing Canvas, the companies’ activities and the customers’ needs are categorized coherently, which allows an in-depth analysis of the data.
By applying the Sustainability Marketing Canvas, it was possible to categorize the companies’ sustainability activities and the customers’ sustainability needs in a coherent way and to then analyze them. Overall, it can be said that the company, operating in the manufacturing industry, communicates well-balanced about its sustainability activities and considers many aspects of the Sustainability Marketing Canvas. In some areas, the organization holds a competitive advantage over its competitors, but in other domains its competitors have a more advantageous position. In terms of meeting its customers’ sustainability needs, the company partly succeeds in addressing them to an appropriate extent. In some areas, however, it is important for the company to better align its efforts with the needs of its customers. Thus, from a marketing perspective, it is reasonable for the organization to make certain adjustments in its sustainability activities or to adapt its communication thereof, which makes it possible to gain an advantage over its competitors and align its sustainability activities with its customers’ sustainability needs, resulting in a strong sustainability marketing strategy.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Internationally Active Company in the Manufacturing Industry
Autorinnen und Autoren
Kuster, Andreas & Bolliger-Aregger, Melanie
Betreuende Dozierende
Fuduric, Nikolina
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Sustainability, Marketing, Sustainability Marketing Strategy, Sustainability Marketing Canvas