Can HSO Enter New Business Areas in the Digital Economy with Scalable Offerings? A potential analysis

E-learning allows students to learn independent of geographical boundaries and – in asynchronous modes – without time constraints. Covid-19 has promoted adoption of e-learning in HEIs around the world. Is there a potential for HSO to offer a new educational product through the digital economy?

Müller, Marco, 2022

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende HSO Wirtschafts- und Informatikschule
Betreuende Dozierende Birkenmeier, Beat
Keywords E-Learning, Digital Economy, MOOC, blended learning, hybrid teaching
Views: 24
Online learning is on the rise and formats such as MOOCs gain in popularity. The e-learning market is projected to continue to grow rapidly. HSO Wirtschafts- und Informatikschule is asking itself whether new opportunities in the digital economy can be harnessed. Currently all of the courses are mainly delivered synchronous onsite and/or online. However, asynchronous learning including video is available on the LMS and aims to support student learning. Its offerings and possibilities might be the starting point for a new digital business model, where synergies can be harnessed.
To answer the question of whether HSO can move into new areas of the digital economy, a thorough literature review lays the foundation for understanding e-learning concepts as well as the latest trends and developments. Expert interviews complement the literature’s findings. In addition, market research provides answers to the e-learning offerings of HEIs in the tertiary B sector as well as the demand among learners through a survey. The prerequisites for providing learning in the digital economy are defined and the feasibility is investigated. Finally, solutions and next steps are proposed.
The study found that the vast majority of students prefer hybrid teaching. In addition, many HEIs have shifted from face-to-face teaching to blended learning concepts with high face-to-face portions and synchronous online learning through video conferencing. However, flexible asynchronous online learning concepts like MOOCs and micro credentials have great potentials to upskill employees in the fast paced-labor market. Integration of MOOCs across different HSO courses and schools allows for scalability and the accreditation possibilities of micro credentials adds further value to the digital offering. Therefore, the study proposes to integrate hybrid teaching and MOOCs in the education portfolio. Prerequisites for the successful online offering and student learning outcomes include the provision of personalized learning, social learning and a certain amount of onsite exchange among other features. HSO can benefit from the findings by offering the e-learning mode that students really demand and use the insights to act as an early adopter in the Swiss HE market for online-education courses.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
HSO Wirtschafts- und Informatikschule, Zürich Oerlikon
Autorinnen und Autoren
Müller, Marco
Betreuende Dozierende
Birkenmeier, Beat
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
E-Learning, Digital Economy, MOOC, blended learning, hybrid teaching