Examination of adequacy and conditions of sports retailers as distribution channel for X10D AG

The paper provides insights on how to evaluate, select, structure, implement and control a distribution channel. To research the subject, the authors conducted a comprehensive literature review, as well as various interviews with sports retailers. It is evaluated whether sports retailers are a suitable distribution channel for X10D AG and recommendations for the implementation are provided.

Pastore, Giuliana & Bärtschi, Manuel, 2018

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende X10D AG
Betreuende Dozierende Gürtler, Stefan
Keywords Distribution Channels, Distribution Manamgement, Sports Retail, Pull & Push Strategy, Channel Marketing, Channel Design, Implementation
Views: 40
Nowadays, more and more people suffer from malposition. X10D AG invented a technology to tackle this issue and offers a preventive solution to stop the negative trend. Extend yourself! A vision, which speaks for itself. Currently, the shoe is distributed through several channels. The biggest share is sold by the two founders of the company, especially through the sports retail store of one of them. Further channels are therapists, orthopaedists and some others. To reach an additional customer segment, X10D AG is considering the distribution via sports retailers. The assumption that sportive people are aware of the importance of a healthy walk and therefore see the benefit in the product, is the decisive argument for this selection.
The authors conducted a comprehensive research of secondary data to build a theoretical framework for the assignment. To revise the research questions the authors also conducted several interviews with specialised sports retailers. The collected primary and secondary data was used in a conceptual analysis to check whether 1) the expected target customer is the perceived target customer of the interviewed sports retailers; 2) the interviewed sports retailers are capable of fulfilling the objectives and tasks required by X10D; 3) the interviewed sports retailers are the "best" selection and willing to promote the X10D; 4) the sports retailers recommend certain standards for the implementation of the channel.
The findings indicate that in general, sports retail fulfils the majority of X10D's requirements for being a suitable distribution channel. Further, it is found that X10D needs to increase ist brand awareness and clearly position the product in the market. To overcome current obstacles, a comprehensive marketing concept is recommended. Additionally, the paper serves as a base for the actual implementation of the channel and provides suggestions on how to design policies and control the performance of employed channels. The primary and secondary research provide helpful guidelines to structure a successful distribution channel with sports retailers.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
X10D AG, Langenthal
Autorinnen und Autoren
Pastore, Giuliana & Bärtschi, Manuel
Betreuende Dozierende
Gürtler, Stefan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Distribution Channels, Distribution Manamgement, Sports Retail, Pull & Push Strategy, Channel Marketing, Channel Design, Implementation