The journey from code to product

The following research examines the transformation of software code into a deliverable product, by planning and implementing the topics, such as documentation, testing, and deployment. The thesis provides the client with a finished product, a test environment for further releases and suggestions for improvements.

Giger, David, 2018

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende nag informatik ag
Betreuende Dozierende Jüngling, Stephan
Keywords transformation, release, deliverable product, documentation, testing, deployment
Views: 34 - Downloads: 4
The company nag informatik offers IT and consulting services and focuses on data analysis and data migration using the original tool nag migrate. Since the current tool has been used for many years, development has been initiated for the new successor nag nxT. The product Version 1.0 will be released on the market in summer 2018. The source code of the new software now exists, but it is not yet a finished product. To finish the product and become competitive in the market, the software must be enriched with documentation, release management and the quality must be improved through solid testing.
At the beginning of my Bachelor thesis, I conducted a literature research and conducted various interviews with employees which are specialists in data migration. In the second component, the results were collected and used for the implementation. The implementation phase describes what types of user documentation were created, what types of test methods were selected and applied, and how the deployment process was defined. After practical-oriented tasks, this thesis suggests further improvements, such as agile testing and automation of certain test methods. The thesis concludes with a summary and closing remarks.
The client received a solid test concept with a combination of test methods which improves the quality of the software. Each test method contains strict acceptance criteria, which are part of the definition of done. Only if all tests pass, the new deployment process can be applied, and the product can be delivered to customers. Part of the thesis intended to provide users of the software with an installation guide and a user guide for further help. The concepts and processes can be applied for future versions of the software and for other or new products. By applying the recommended improvements, the process of testing can be further automated and performed as agile testing.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
nag informatik ag, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Giger, David
Betreuende Dozierende
Jüngling, Stephan
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
transformation, release, deliverable product, documentation, testing, deployment