Business Plan for Coffee Symphony
This thesis focused on the creation of a business plan for two entrepreneurs. The goal of this business plan was to support a decision for continuing or stopping this business idea. After a thorough research, interesting comparisons, and analyses the business plan achieved its goal.
Spataro, Alessandro, 2020
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Coffee Symphony
Betreuende Dozierende Birkenmeier, Beat
Views: 39
Two entrepreneurs had the idea to import specific goods and sell them in the Swiss market under the name of Coffee Symphony. In front of this thesis, no deep research has been conducted nor has any structured plan been created. Therefore, it has been decided to create a business plan for this business idea. Said business plan will serve as a guide to simplify a decision regarding the future of the idea.
The business plan is structured according to the 7 Keys to getLaunched model, introduced by Meyer and Tavic (2015, 7 Keys to getLaunched Model section, para. 14). To gather the necessary in-formation for the creation of the business plan, the current literature was conducted, followed by a thorough desk research. Whenever necessary, well-educated assumptions were taken. However, all assumptions made were conservatively.
To conclude, it was found that the entrepreneurs should continue with their business idea. However, the implementation of key performance indicators as well as a low first order quantity was recommended. Those recommendations were because the entrepreneurs do not want to invest a high capital. In case of a founding, the general partnership is the best suitable structure. The general partnership requires no specific amount of capital, nor does it generate high administrative costs. Furthermore, depending on the amount of goods ordered at first, the necessary resources initially required vary. The funding of those resources consists mainly of private capital of the entrepreneurs.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Business Plan
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich