E-Commerce in Export - Distribution of Swiss Products via Foreign Webshops

In the face of globalisation, businesses are bound to compete in increasingly international and interconnected markets. This exerts particular pressure on SMEs. However, SMEs are offered the opportunity to create new business models to compete with the adoption of e commerce.

Ellenberger, Flavio Pascal & Grossenbacher, David Christian, 2018

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Fargate AG
Betreuende Dozierende Wittmann, Xinhua
Keywords E-Commerce, E-Commerce in China, Export, Cross-Border E-Commerce, Cross-Border E-Commerce in China
Views: 35
The client of this bachelor thesis has been focussing on conventional export service consulting. The company is interested in expanding its current business model into digital cross border business development. Therefore, the findings shall give the company insights into the topic of e commerce by specifically focussing on the target market side. The client intends to be a general contractor in this field with SMEs as target customers. The overall aim of this bachelor thesis is to contribute to the client’s new business model.
The client determined the research questions in the subject area of e commerce. Subsequently, the authors and the supervisor then further elaborated the respective questions with the client. The bachelor thesis first established the methodical framework. The subsequent literature review not only focused on SMEs and e commerce, but also considered the digital environment. The following findings were derived from multiple sources and from the established CAGE+T model. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted to complement the findings. Eventually, the discussion, conclusion and limitations were presented.
China is the worldwide major player in e-commerce. Consequently, the answers to the research questions focused on cross-border e-commerce (CBEC) in China. Four different types of CBEC business models were identified: company standalone website, B2C online mall store, B2C2C online malls and WeChat Store. The major CBEC platforms in China are: Kaola, Tmall Global, vip and JD Worldwide. To enter the CBEC market in China, Swiss SMEs must execute a market research, evaluate sales channels, assess a possible collaboration with other SMEs, build a Chinese social media presence, evaluate the support services of mandatory third-party providers and select the ideal logistic solution. Challenges that a Swiss SME may encounter in the process are in the areas of: Logistics, Payment, legal- and tax regulations, as well as culture. The client may provide intermediary services for Swiss SMEs to build a professional relationship with a Chinese third party who is specialized in delivering e-commerce services. These services may well complement the existing export services of the client’s business model and would allow for an additional source of income.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Fargate AG, Zürich
Autorinnen und Autoren
Ellenberger, Flavio Pascal & Grossenbacher, David Christian
Betreuende Dozierende
Wittmann, Xinhua
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
E-Commerce, E-Commerce in China, Export, Cross-Border E-Commerce, Cross-Border E-Commerce in China