Market study
A market study about event managers and event locations with the goal to clarify the needs and expectations these participants have regarding a potential online platform.
Turla, Dario & Gilgen, Joshua, 2018
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Web Essentials GmbH
Betreuende Dozierende Sprenger, Brigitte
Keywords Market Study, business models, platform business
Views: 20
Market study: The goal was to simplify event organization for event managers. The company is considering to build a central platform similar to Airbnb for event locations. The authors aim was toclarify the needs and expectations clients would have on such a platform and propose various business models.
The authors designed a survey with the help of literature and experienced experts in the fields of event management. To achieve a sample of 40 participants the students contacted over 115 companies and event locations to fill out the online quesstionnaire.
The presented results from the survey show, under which conditions event managers and locations would be willing to participate on such a platform and what key features were important for them. Furthermore, the authors presented various business models on how such a platform could function by utilizing literature sources and competitors analysis.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich