Implementation of the State of the Art Data Back Up Solution
This Bachelor-Thesis shows the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing as a data backup solution.
Bubic, Aladin, 2018
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Grand Casino Baden AG
Betreuende Dozierende Quade, Michael H.
Views: 45
The Grand Casino Baden AG is, alike other financial institutions, subject to regulations. One area is the storage of data for certain periods. The way of securing data is defined and has the objective to maximize the availability and minimize the loss of data. As an example, data needs to be stored both, internally and externally of the premises of the Grand Casino Baden AG. The current method used to store data externally has not been updated in the past decade. As technology is moving quick, there is a desire of the Grand Casino Baden AG to challenge the current method by other, up-to-date solutions.
1.Analyzing the current solution within the clients’ premises.
2.Interviews with industry experts, clients’ IT area representatives
3.Research of legal situation affecting the client now and in the nearest future.
4.Development of a benefit analysis in cooperation with the client.
5.Defining possible future solutions.
6.Evaluating possible future solutions.
7.Stating a recommendation.
The findings of the paper are:
The author recommends the client to introduce a public cloud computing solution for its weekly, monthly and yearly back-ups. The solution affecting frequently used daily back-ups is recommended to not be changed.
The advantages of introducing the recommended solution are:
-decrease in employees working time requirement by approximately 78hours / p.a.
-increase in data safety
-increase in data availability
The disadvantages of introducing the recommended solutions are:
-anticipated cost increase
-implementation phase of up to two weeks
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Data Backup Investment Present Value Cloud Computing
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich