International Cybersecurity Center Basel - A Collaboration Plan
Arlesheim’s industrial site will be enriched with the latest Industry 4.0 competence center - uptownBasel. It should especially portray the location for an international cybersecurity center and become a leading tech cluster with a collaborational scope.
Balatti, Alessia & Niederberger, Selin & Bongiovanni, Stella & Dao, Truc Quyen & Paruchuri, Vinusha, 2021
Art der Arbeit Projektarbeit/Praxisprojekt
Auftraggebende Institute for Information Systems, HSW FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Grieder, Hermann
Views: 110 - Downloads: 19
Cybersecurity is gaining importance since digitalization increases the use of new technologies. Several parties rely on digital systems and store important data online, creating vulnerability to cyber-attacks. However, cybersecurity is a young field of research, hence, it is unavoidable to educate and train people to increase expertise and awareness. To provide a workforce with the adequate education in this area, collaboration possibilities between uptownBasel and the FHNW Institute for Information Systems as well as ideas for education, innovation, and research projects shall be examined.
The methodology included a visit to uptownBasel which helped gathering information and conducting interviews with the architect, the representatives of the stakeholder Axians, and FHNW students from selected study programs. Furthermore, a workshop had been organized to collect valuable information from involved stakeholders on finding ideas and value-added concepts for possible collaborations between Axians and FHNW as well as for education, innovation, and research projects in the field of cybersecurity.
The analysis of the student interviews showed that the interest lies in gaining practical understanding from guest lecturers, escape rooms, implementing modules and field trips. Moreover, awareness programs, re-designs of current lectures, and workshops have also found attention. The workshop evaluation showed that an experience center could become a crucial part for the implementation of cybersecurity into the FHNW. The workshop results also showed that guest lectures could be an option to provide real life experiences and enhance lectures with field trips to Axians’ Security Operations Center. Further internal collaboration between the FHNW Institute for Information Systems and the School of Arts could be leveraged to organize a cybersecurity day, where aspects of cybersecurity could be displayed in a tangible way. In relation to the event, a “Lange Nacht of Cybersecurity and Resilience” similar to the existing “Lange Nacht der Karriere” could be organized to illustrate important topics to students and organizations. All parties are interested in cooperating together. The outcome of this project is a catalogue of ideas for collaboration opportunities between Axians and the FHNW.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords cybersecurity, collaboration, uptownBasel
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich