Millennials and the compatibility of family and work in Information Technology
The need for the compatibility of family and work seems to be generally accepted. But how high is the degree of importance from the point of view of millennials in a labor department, which is rather occupied by men? The thesis identifies the degree of such importance in Information Technology.
Kasperzak, Celina, 2020
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende SBB AG
Betreuende Dozierende Konrad, Jonas
Views: 23 - Downloads: 3
To fight skills shortage and proactively react to changes in the labor market, it is of interest to examine whether the engagement in the compatibility of family and work helps attracting millennials in Information Technology.
The focus on millennials and Information Technology is important since they display the mid- and long-term majority of workforce and present a unique set of values in the labor market, and the labor department struggles with both skills shortage and an inequal gender distribution. Overall, the compatibility of family and work is compared to additional job training.
To issue a statement whether the compatibility of family and work in Information Technology matters to millennials, two different methods to collect data and gather relevant information were applied. Firstly, several semi-structured interviews were conducted with students and employees studying or working in Information Technology. Secondly, an online survey has been sent to Information Technology students of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland as well as the University of Bern.
As the research showed, millennials are rather occupied with the compatibility of their studies or personal development and work. Nevertheless, the number of outstanding semesters, the study format as well as other factors led to an increase in the importance of the compatibility of family and work. At the same time, the desired age to start having an own family shifts towards a later point in life. In the end, the majority stated that they would advise any company to engage in this subject. The information suggests that there is in fact a high degree of awareness and importance of the compatibility of family and work in Information Technology from the perspective of millennials. However, the current degree of need and identification is rather low since nearly nobody within the sample size is affected by it. Thanks to the direct comparison between the engagement in additional job training and the stated compatibility, both degrees of importance aim to possibly help the client orientate future strategies accordingly.
Based on the results, the client is advised to further engage in the compatibility of family and work, since an overall high degree of importance could be identified.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Compatibility of family and work, Information Technology, generation Y, millennials, demographic change, additional job training, skills shortage
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich