Creation of an Online Platform to distribute Coaching Sessions for Musicians

This paper documented the creation of a website prototype to design and distribute a new service. Different academic models provided the structure for this blueprint. Primary data of potential clients were included.

López Gfeller, Danao, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende DOLFINOS AG
Betreuende Dozierende Eisenbart, Barbara
Keywords Website building, Service creation, Marketing Mix, Blue Ocean, BPMN, MINDSPACE model
Views: 35
DOLFINOS AG is convinced that the work of a professional musician is very similar to that of a high-performance athlete. 70% of all orchestra musicians suffer from occupational diseases and still earn less than a social worker when they started their careers. Simultaneously, they do not enjoy a support team to assist them in this demanding activity to deliver maximum performance at the decisive moment. Therefore, DOLFINOS AG wants to satisfy this need by creating a specialized online network of professionals for medical support, counseling, and other services for musicians.
Firstly, a literature review was created using theories such as the marketing mix, blue ocean strategy, MINDSPACE model, and BPMN. These findings provided the fundamental composition of the new service. Consequently, this basis was developed into the website prototype. It was viewed as beneficial to cross-examine potential customers to produce a tailored solution. Therefore, qualitative research was done by interviewing existing customers. These primary findings helped to design a test webinar. Lastly, feedback was received from the musicians who attended the trial online coaching session.
The results from the interviews indicated no significant difference in the design of the proposed marketing mix solution to the primary findings. Hence, similarities can be confirmed between the assumed and practical aspects. The samples size of the primary data research is limited to four different inputs. To construct a firm reference, more data points are needed to support the notion of a successful implementation, even though the resources of a start-up to collect such information are limited. However, the flexible structure of DOLFINOS AG allows for a certain room of trial and error. Therefore, the proposed implementation can take place with the outlined blueprint of the bachelor thesis.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Autorinnen und Autoren
López Gfeller, Danao
Betreuende Dozierende
Eisenbart, Barbara
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Website building, Service creation, Marketing Mix, Blue Ocean, BPMN, MINDSPACE model