Mapping the Digital Community in the Basel Area

In Basel, many institutions address topics such as Digital Transformation, promotion of Start-Ups or Smart City. These function well on their own, but the current situation can be improved when it comes to the overview about ongoing projects, cooperation, and network creation.

Weibel, Tim & Marti, Jason Jan, 2021

Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Smart Regio Basel
Betreuende Dozierende Peter, Marc K.
Views: 71 - Downloads: 14
There is no shortage of offers and initiatives in the field of Tech-Communities, Start-Up Promotion, Smart City Platforms in the Basel area. There seems to be a tendency for too many actors and too little clarity when it comes to identifying the challenges in Digital Transformation. The main challenges encountered are imprecise role allocations, cluttered efforts, and a protective silo mentality. There is no lack of resources or initiatives, but the ambiguity and lack of transparency are complicating the efforts by the actors when dealing with the difficulties in Digital Transformation.
This Bachelor Thesis is divided into two parts and was created using qualitative research. The first part is made up of a literature review that consists of secondary sources. Based on that, a questionnaire for interviews was crafted. The interviews were conducted with actors active in the relevant fields. The results were then analysed and discussed with the theory. From this, two models were created. One shows in what areas of digital transformation the actors are active in. The second one shows how the actors are networked. A best practice model for better networking was then created.
The results for the client are divided into two different parts. On the one hand, the project team will provide the client with a map of the different actors in the Basel Area. This map is done by analysing the information gathered from the 12 qualitative interviews. The map helps to create clarity about the actors in the field of Digital Transformation in Basel. It shows which institutions are working on Digital Transformation projects and with which other institutions they are connected in terms of networks or strategic partnerships. The second step of the benefits is a best practice model. The model shows how the networking and coordination between the different institutions could be improved from the project team’s point of view. It is suggested to create a simple website, which shows who the different actors are, and which projects they are currently working on. This increases the overview of the current situation. The second suggestion is to hold quarterly meetings that help keep other institutions up to date about ongoing projects and create stronger collaboration and coordination between them.
Studiengang: Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Keywords Digital Transformation, Digital Community, Basel Area
Vertraulichkeit: öffentlich
Art der Arbeit
Bachelor Thesis
Smart Regio Basel, Basel
Autorinnen und Autoren
Weibel, Tim & Marti, Jason Jan
Betreuende Dozierende
Peter, Marc K.
Sprache der Arbeit
Business Administration International Management (Bachelor)
Standort Studiengang
Digital Transformation, Digital Community, Basel Area