Developing an Augmented Reality prototype to communicate and raise awareness of the public art pieces in Basel
Augmented reality has a great potential for application in the field of cultural tourism, especially regarding informal learning and enhancing experience. The project foresees research and development in the augmented reality experience and should be concluded with a prototype using available tools.
Milici, Aleksandra, 2021
Art der Arbeit Bachelor Thesis
Auftraggebende Institute for Information Systems, HSW FHNW
Betreuende Dozierende Korkut, Safak
Views: 46
The thesis aims to explore augmented reality communication strategy with critical thinking and a bottom-up approach to highlight the key information of interest and provide informal learning scenarios. The outcome should reflect on the aspects of the key public art piece “City model” at the Rhine promenade, selected as a main piece of the research. The research also aims to find the correct set of requirements, which could be reused on other pieces and communicate cultural tourism values.
The theories and concepts of cultural tourism and the application of AR in this field is discussed in the literature review. Furthermore, the qualitative research method is selected to elicit the user requirements. The prototyping of an AR application with available tools for modelling and animation is concluded with user testing.
As discussed in the academic literature, innovation of the tourist offer with an AR application might attract new visitors by delivering a better experience. The research also showed that including a potential end-user in the early phases of the development is necessary. Therefore, the result of qualitative research, the collected user requirements together with mock drawings could be used for future AR applications. The AR prototype would serve to raise awareness of public art pieces and important points of interest, not only to tourists but also to the locals. The potential application should ideally improve the learning experience about cultural goods, as well as it could serve as a source of entertainment, with the final goal to enhance the user experience.
Studiengang: Business Information Technology (Bachelor)
Keywords Augmented reality, AR, cultural tourism, informal learning, prototyping, acceptance, usability, affordability, reliability, portability, repleyability
Vertraulichkeit: vertraulich